Monday, September 14, 2009

Mahathir India Cina

Kegawatan ekonomi menyerlahkan diri sebenar sesuatu bangsa dan jati diri. Dalam kekalutan ekonomi ini, kebanyakan masyarakat India menyalahkan Mahathir terhadap segala kepayahan dan kesusahan yang dialami mereka; Mahathir pula menyerang balas dengan memaparkan surat aduan dari MIC sendiri bagaimana Samy telah menggelapkan berbilion wang yang telah diperuntukkan oleh Mahathir kepada kaum tersebut.

Manakala kaum Cina tidak henti-henti meminta kesamarataan di dalam segala aspek, sehingga ke tahap menghina sultan. Tiada siapa yang pernah mendengar rintihan kaum peribumi sendiri kerana tidak pernah disiarkan oleh mana-mana media. Kalau ada pun mungkin berbangkit daripada kesan asakan kaum lain terhadap mereka.

Manakala, sejuta orang melayu berhijrah ke China pada tahun 1957, kemudian diberikan kerakyatan China, lalu kerajaan China juga membenarkan orang melayu menubuhkan sekolah aliran melayu, mengamalkan bahasa melayu, dan memberikan keistimewaan yang sama seperti rakyat China. Dalam waktu yang sama, orang melayu itu kini telah menguasai 70% daripada kek ekonomi negara China, dan meminta lebih banyak hak-hak yang mereka rasa perlu kerana mereka telah berjasa kepada negara.

Di suatu sudut, suatu kisah benar berlaku di selatan tanah air, apabila seorang Tan Sri Cina memberi ucapan dalam sebuah majlis dengan mempersoalkan hak kesamarataan kerana kaum dia telah banyak berbakti kepada negara. Maka, semasa sesi soal jawab, seorang wartawan bertanya siapakah dua orang India yang bersama Tan Sri tersebut.

Tan Sri berkenaan dengan bangganya menyatakan bahawa mereka berdua adalah pekerja setianya yang telah berbakti melebihi 30 tahun. Wartawan berkenaan pula bertanya, mengapa Tan Sri tersebut tidak menyerahkan sebahagian daripada syarikat Tan Sri kepada pekerjanya yang telah banyak berbakti. Tan Sri mengatakan bahawa syarikat itu adalah HAK dia, dan pekerjanya telah diberi gaji, maka, kenapa dia perlu beri kepada pekerjanya.

Wartawan berkenaan menjawab, begitu juga dengan Tanah Melayu yang dipunyai oleh orang melayu. Walau banyak mana pun pendatang berjasa, Tanah Melayu itu HAK orang melayu. Sebagai imbuhan, kaum pendatang boleh berniaga dan mengaut sebanyak mana ekonomi yang mereka hendak. Kenapa HAK perlu di beri kepada orang lain. Tan Sri tersebut tidak dapat menjawab!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Since when are we merdeka? 1957 right? Who are we before that? A bunch of people being ruled by British colonial who control the mindset of the Malay rulers, holding the throne by back stabbing, exactly like how the British separate India and Pakistan. The rightful ruler of late, started surfacing, and begining a court action against present sultanate.

But, these so called "intelligent" (more like cunning) orang putih only live in certain areas only, while the majority of the land was occupied by Malays, living the normal Malay life, i.e. the actual Islamic way of life. History seems to be rewritten starting from the Malacca Sultanate until today by the Queen's subjects. Of course they will glorify themselves, else what is the point they rewrite history.

So, we are actually a merdeka person. Who are the British to say that, "I want to give you freedom. So, now I grant you lot a merdeka" that Tunku proudly yelled at Stadium Merdeka on the 31st of August, 1957. If we are actually merdeka, by right, we can rule our country at our own fancy base on freedom of choice. We are not violating any convention. We are just upholding our right. The right to practice what we believe. The right to rule an Islamic state.

Who is stopping us? Or what is? The states with her europe counterpart? Are they going to bomb us with their frightening armaments because we are embracing Islam, not forgetting the number of businesses related to them operating here? Well, let time be the judge, but certainly, I won't celebrate merdeka, because in my mindset, we are never imprison. It is only in the mindset, ingrained by a distorted history "facts", and thought as early as 7 years old. At that time, our child, by right, should be able to be a hafiz! Then, continue the ilmu dunia. Then we can get a masyarakat madani.

DAP would say they don't want an Islamic state, and PKR will abide by that stating it's DAP's "personal view". Collectively, they are not against the idea. BN on the other hand, is the present government, trying to instil Islamic values with Islam hadhari, then 1Malaysia, and not forgetting Wawasan 2020. All these so called moderate Islamic thinking is not trying hard to uphold Islam, but compartmentalise Islam as religion, not way of life. Then instill the Islamic values in their wawasan, hoping that the other community would embrace it.

On the other hand, the back scene saw how Malaysia is actively participating in liberating Aceh, South Thailand and Moro to get an autonomy power. Tun very much is the broker. He plays a 100 years chess. We only think, what to eat tonight! So, we got a lesser evil to govern us. What is stopping us from embracing the right Islam? I once had a discoursed talk with an ex NSTP journalist, on why we cannot uphold Islam. And you know what is the answer that I got?

We are not compassionate enough! So, we might do more damage then actually doing good deeds. Hmmmm... Why he said so? Well, until we have someone who can "sabar" like what Prophet Muhammad PBUH was preaching, we won't have a justice system, even when we are declaring we are an Islamic state. Prophet Muhammad PBUH preached on love. Even to his enemy. Not hatred, envy, and definitely not war.

As an actual and in the true sense of merdeka person, I urge each and everyone of us, including myself, who proclaimed to be Islam, to uphold the quran and sunnah as our way of life, and try to emulate Prophet Muhammad PBUH kindness as much as possible in our daily life, to everything around us. Try it, and we will definitely feel the difference.

Love power is greater then any power ever exist on earth, and we must have FAITH on it.

I would like the end this pen with a video that totally change my view for ever.